Trail Status: Open

Trail Status

Chewacla trails are currently OPEN.
Ride safe, always wear your helmet and have fun!

Tuesday Night Ride and Grill

Chewacla State Park 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn, AL, United States

**Weather permitting** **Lights recommended if you plan on riding after sunset** Ride will leave from the Lower Pavilion parking lot. Be ready to ride at 5:25, and we’ll roll a little after 5:30 p.m. CDT Chewacla State Park charges entrance fees as follows: Individuals 12 to 61 are $4.00 per person Children 4 to 11 are $2.00 […]

CAMP Board Meeting

James Brothers Bikes 1100 S College St Unit 106, Auburn, AL

CAMP Board Meeting At James Brothers Bikes at 7:00 P.M.

Super Sunday Ride

Chewacla State Park 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn, AL, United States

These are casual rides that are organized on the spot based on what rider levels show up. Look for our group gathering up in the parking lot and introduce yourself.

Tuesday Night Ride and Grill

Chewacla State Park 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn, AL, United States

**Weather permitting** **Lights recommended if you plan on riding after sunset** Ride will leave from the Lower Pavilion parking lot. Be ready to ride at 5:25, and we’ll roll a little after 5:30 p.m. CDT Chewacla State Park charges entrance fees as follows: Individuals 12 to 61 are $4.00 per person Children 4 to 11 are $2.00 […]

Ride and Seek: A Bike Safety Adventure

Chewacla State Park 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn, AL, United States

Organized by the Auburn Bicycle Committee Ride and Seek teaches kids how to ride safe and have fun. Designed for kids in grades K-8, riders and their parents will get safety tips from our experts and test their skills on our mountain bike trail and paved trail. There will be free prizes and a raffle […]


Super Sunday Ride

Chewacla State Park 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn, AL, United States

These are casual rides that are organized on the spot based on what rider levels show up. Look for our group gathering up in the parking lot and introduce yourself.

Tuesday Night Ride and Grill

Chewacla State Park 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn, AL, United States

**Weather permitting** **Lights recommended if you plan on riding after sunset** Ride will leave from the Lower Pavilion parking lot. Be ready to ride at 5:25, and we’ll roll a little after 5:30 p.m. CDT Chewacla State Park charges entrance fees as follows: Individuals 12 to 61 are $4.00 per person Children 4 to 11 are $2.00 […]

Super Sunday Ride

Chewacla State Park 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn, AL, United States

These are casual rides that are organized on the spot based on what rider levels show up. Look for our group gathering up in the parking lot and introduce yourself.

Tuesday Night Ride and Grill

Chewacla State Park 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn, AL, United States

**Weather permitting** **Lights recommended if you plan on riding after sunset** Ride will leave from the Lower Pavilion parking lot. Be ready to ride at 5:25, and we’ll roll a little after 5:30 p.m. CDT Chewacla State Park charges entrance fees as follows: Individuals 12 to 61 are $4.00 per person Children 4 to 11 are $2.00 […]

Chewacla Mountain Bike Challenge

Chewacla State Park 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn, AL, United States

Racers should keep their race plates to use all season. Parking at the top lot will be closed 30 minutes prior to XC and STXC races so only vehicles staying the whole day will be allowed up top.  There will not be day of registration Full-face helmet required for Dual Slalom and Downhill practice and […]

Super Sunday Ride

Chewacla State Park 124 Shell Toomer Pkwy, Auburn, AL, United States

These are casual rides that are organized on the spot based on what rider levels show up. Look for our group gathering up in the parking lot and introduce yourself.

Maintenance to Hank Graham Bridge (One Lane Traffic Only)

CAMP will begin some maintenance work on the Hank Graham Bridge in preparation for the USAC race on Sep. 23. During this week we will be applying a textured surface stain to the bridge. While work is going on and as the stain cures, the bridge will be limited to one lane of traffic. The […]

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